Three for Friday
Dante on the dangers of reading legends, an intensely moving story of post Civil War America and a glimpse at Regency Romance
After comparing the supermarket experience to Dante’s Inferno I felt I owed it to him to show how much more exciting his poem is than aisles of detergent and breakfast cereal!
In the second circle of hell, Dante meets the ‘wanton’, subjected to blasts of an ‘infernal hurricane that never rests’ for their sins. He speaks to Francesca da Rimini whose story warns of the dangers of reading too much historical fiction!
The translation is by H.W. Longfellow, with thanks to Project Gutenberg.
Helen I saw, for whom so many ruthless
Seasons revolved; and saw the great Achilles,
Who at the last hour combated with Love.
Paris I saw, Tristan; and more than a thousand
Shades did he name and point out with his finger,
Whom Love had separated from our life.
After that I had listened to my Teacher,
Naming the dames of eld and cavaliers,
Pity prevailed, and I was nigh bewildered.
And I began: “O Poet, willingly
Speak would I to those two, who go together,
And seem upon the wind to be so light.”
And, he to me: “Thou’lt mark, when they shall be
Nearer to us; and then do thou implore them
By love which leadeth them, and they will come.”
Soon as the wind in our direction sways them,
My voice uplift I: “O ye weary souls!
Come speak to us, if no one interdicts it.”
As turtle-doves, called onward by desire,
With open and steady wings to the sweet nest
Fly through the air by their volition borne,
So came they from the band where Dido is,
Approaching us athwart the air malign,
So strong was the affectionate appeal.
“O living creature gracious and benignant,
Who visiting goest through the purple air
Us, who have stained the world incarnadine,
If were the King of the Universe our friend,
We would pray unto him to give thee peace,
Since thou hast pity on our woe perverse.
Of what it pleases thee to hear and speak,
That will we hear, and we will speak to you,
While silent is the wind, as it is now.
Sitteth the city, wherein I was born,
Upon the sea-shore where the Po descends
To rest in peace with all his retinue.
Love, that on gentle heart doth swiftly seize,
Seized this man for the person beautiful
That was ta’en from me, and still the mode offends me.
Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving,
Seized me with pleasure of this man so strongly,
That, as thou seest, it doth not yet desert me;
Love has conducted us unto one death;
Caina waiteth him who quenched our life!”
These words were borne along from them to us.
As soon as I had heard those souls tormented,
I bowed my face, and so long held it down
Until the Poet said to me: “What thinkest?”
When I made answer, I began: “Alas!
How many pleasant thoughts, how much desire,
Conducted these unto the dolorous pass!”
Then unto them I turned me, and I spake,
And I began: “Thine agonies, Francesca,
Sad and compassionate to weeping make me.
But tell me, at the time of those sweet sighs,
By what and in what manner Love conceded,
That you should know your dubious desires?”
And she to me: “There is no greater sorrow
Than to be mindful of the happy time
In misery, and that thy Teacher knows.
But, if to recognise the earliest root
Of love in us thou hast so great desire,
I will do even as he who weeps and speaks.
One day we reading were for our delight
Of Launcelot, how Love did him enthral.
Alone we were and without any fear.
Full many a time our eyes together drew
That reading, and drove the colour from our faces;
But one point only was it that o’ercame us.
When as we read of the much-longed-for smile
Being by such a noble lover kissed,
This one, who ne’er from me shall be divided,
Kissed me upon the mouth all palpitating.
Galeotto was the book and he who wrote it.
That day no farther did we read therein.”
And all the while one spirit uttered this,
The other one did weep so, that, for pity,
I swooned away as if I had been dying,
And fell, even as a dead body falls.
[from Canto V]
Regency Romance is by far the most popular form of historical fiction. This essay goes a little way to explaining why:
The popularity of Regency Romance
Here too is an interview with Catherine Kullmann, author of Regency romance and one of the panel of writers I heard at the International Dublin Writers’ Festival.
Interview with Catherine Kullmann
Here’s a powerful story that weaves layers of the past together to dramatise the experience of African Americans from slavery through the Civil War to the present.
Please share your thoughts on any or all of the above and share suggestions for your favourite historical fictions.
Thanks Catriona, I had forgotten Anya Seton. The name is very familiar but I'm not sure I actually read anything by her. Nice to be reminded of her and it's interesting that Katherine continues to be read. I see that recent editions are introduced by Philippa Gregory another very popular author of historical novels, especially about the Tudors. Jean Plaidy's Tudor novels were all the rage when I was in school. She also wrote under the pseudonym Victoria Holt. Her real name was Eleanor Burford. Historical fiction never goes out of style!
So enjoy being introduced to wonderful new and diverse writings drawn from your vast repertoire - thank you! In response to your question, one of my favourite authors of historical fiction is Anya Seton, particularly 'Katherine', in which she tells the story of the 14th century love affair between Katherine Swynford and John of Gaunt. It was written in 1954 and remains in print, a testament to its continued resonance among its readers.