Despite the breezy nostalgia for the carefree days of youth, stories set in schools are generally dark and cruel. Is there a lesson to be drawn from that mismatch?
I've never understood why school days are marked as the happiest of one's life ... and it certainly wasn't my experience! For me, therefore, it's not of question of there being a mismatch, but that the darker stories are more reflective of reality.
Thanks Noirin. I know the feeling of 'when will I get the time to read them all' ! So many great books out there, new and old.
Lovely reminder of so many books I've either read, and want to re-read, and others I'm putting on my 'when will I get the time to read?' books!
I think that's true for a lot of people . . .
I've never understood why school days are marked as the happiest of one's life ... and it certainly wasn't my experience! For me, therefore, it's not of question of there being a mismatch, but that the darker stories are more reflective of reality.