Thanks Noirin. They did go dancing! And yes going to the airport is a major pain now! Back in my father's day some people had their wedding receptions in the airport and all the guests went out to the runway to wave the happy couple off!!

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Yes, you do capture it well Aisling, guilt is such a binding force, keeping us stuck in misery. We do need others to prize us out of it, good that Lucy and Dad could do that for her. And that she brought the joy back with her - hope she and Dad got out dancing!

Nice to remember when a sun holiday and even goin to the airport were such a treat!

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Thank you. I felt she deserved a little happiness at the end of her life.

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You capture the mother's pain and despair so beautifully - how difficult it would have been for her to wrench herself away and allow herself to feel joy again - extraordinarily moving... bravo!

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Thank you. Glad you're enjoying the story so far.

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Lovely. Keep it coming!

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