In this instalment of Family Lines Lucy continues to write to her missing sister, updating her on her boyfriend troubles.
Thanks Mary.
I plan to!
Thanks! I'll continue serialising Family Lines and then release the whole as an e-book
Absolutely captivating- please publish these for more to enjoy!
Thanks. Keep them coming!
Thanks Mary. I appreciate your thoughtful comment.
Great installment, Ash.
You so captured how life goes on, with all its teenage drama, despite sister still missing and parents who are just devastated.
Thanks Mary.
I plan to!
Thanks! I'll continue serialising Family Lines and then release the whole as an e-book
Absolutely captivating- please publish these for more to enjoy!
Thanks. Keep them coming!
Thanks Mary. I appreciate your thoughtful comment.
Great installment, Ash.
You so captured how life goes on, with all its teenage drama, despite sister still missing and parents who are just devastated.